Silverton Senior Center
  • 115 Westfield Street, Silverton, OR 97381
  • ∔ (503) 873-3093
  • ∔ @
  • (503) 873-3093


Membership is open to members of the public 50 years of age and older. It is our goal to keep membership fees to a minimum in order to make our programs accessible to a wide range of Silverton's 50+ community.

To become a member, you must complete and sign a membership application form.

  1. Download the membership form, print both pages, complete and sign. Mail the completed membership form with your payment, or pay online and mail your membership form separately:
  2. Silverton 50+ Center mailing address:
    • Silverton 50+ Center
    • 115 Westfield Street
    • Silverton OR 97381
  3. You can fill out the online application below and either mail a check or pay online.
  4. Stop by the 50+ Center at 115 Westfield Street in Silverton. If you stop by between 9 and 5 Monday through Friday, you can complete the application process at our friendly Welcome Desk. Or you can pick up an application any time, day or night, from the flyer box just outside our front door. If you'd like to leave payment, please place it with your completed form in the gray drop box on the side of the building to the left of the front doors.
  5. You can pay your memberthip dues online using the payment method below, which includes a debit or credit card option.
New Membership
Renewal Membership
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