Silverton Senior Center
  • 115 Westfield Street, Silverton, OR 97381
  • ∔ (503) 873-3093
  • ∔ @
  • (503) 873-3093

Silverton Area Seniors, Inc.
Executive Director Job Description – 2023


Thank you for applying for the full time Executive Director (“ED”) position for the Silverton Senior Center. The Board of Directors is seeking qualified applicants for the position. The ED is the public face of the organization to the Membership of the Senior Center, and to the public at large. The ED answers to the Board, but is responsible for the business management of the Senior Center. The ED will also be responsible for organizing and scheduling activities and events at the Senior Center. The ED is also significantly involved in fund raising for the Senior Center. The job description for the position can be viewed below or by downloading the job description (PDF) (MS-WORD).

Qualified applicants should have at least a high school diploma, and at least two years of bookkeeping experience. Priorities will be given to candidates with fund raising experience. Experience in dealing with seniors, and/or with the public, will also be considered.

Since the Senior Center is primarily funded by donations the bonus structure for the position will be tied to successful fund-raising activities. The salary and bonus structure will be negotiable, commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates are asked to fill out and submit the Application Form. All Applications will be confidential.

Complete Job Description ✺ Click on tabs to open related sections.

The Executive Director serves as the chief executive officer, responsible to the Board of Directors for the effective organization of the affairs of the organization. The Executive Director recommends and participates in the Board’s formulation of the organization’s mission, goals, objectives and related policies. With reference to this framework, the Executive Director plans, organizes, controls and directs staff, volunteers, programs and activities of the organization. The Executive Director also manages the day-to-day business operations of the organization, including but not limited to bank accounts, investment accounts, accounting, payroll, insurance policies, scheduling, contracts, and proper maintenance and preservation of all business records.

The Executive Director shall also be involved in fund raising for the organization.

The Executive Director is appointed by the Board of Directors, becomes an ex-officio member of that body and works with the Board to carry out the Board’s responsibilities.

The Executive Director is directly accountable to the Board. The Executive Director communicates directly with the President of the Board.

While the magnitude, discretion and diversity of the duties of the Executive Director are significant, the principal duties are business management and administrative. Within the limits of the Bylaws of the organization and policies established by the Board of Directors, the Executive Director shall, in a reasonable manner, serve: by managing the day-to-day operations of the organization, providing public relations and outreach, acting in an advisory capacity to the board and committee chairs, supporting the mission and strategic plan and supporting fundraising activities for the organization.

Specific activities regarding fiscal and business operation responsibilities shall include:

  1. Develop, recommend, and monitor annual and other budgets.
  2. Be the primary signer on all bank accounts, and investment accounts, and investment accounts with one or more board members as secondary signers. Two signers shall be required on all checks. For credit card charges of more than $500 the ED must obtain prior approval from the Board President.
  3. Review all payables, approving expenditure, budget development and contract negotiation for all organizational programs.
  4. Ensure effective audit trails.
  5. Provide for proper fiscal record-keeping and reporting. Oversee monthly cash flow and expense reports, and comparison with the annual budget.
  6. Oversee the preparation of grant applications and funding proposals as appropriate.
  7. Be responsible for confirming that all required taxes, forms and permits be submitted to appropriate governmental agencies in a timely manner.
  8. Be responsible for confirming that all ongoing and new contracts are signed and/or be renewed in a timely manner.
  9. Be responsible for confirming that all insurance policies authorized by the Board are obtained and that they are renewed and/or replaced on a timely basis to ensure continual coverage.
  10. Oversee the organization’s Bank and Investment accounts, to evaluate the availability of funds to meet operational expenses.
  11. Ensure timely annual dues notices are sent to all members, monitor payments, and follow-up as may be appropriate.

Specific activities for daily administrative operations shall include:

  1. Provide leadership in developing program, organizational and financial plans with the Board of Directors and staff.
  2. Provide personnel management, including recruitment, orientation, assignment, supervision, annual written evaluation and, if necessary, discharge of staff members.
  3. In conjunction with the Board, assist with the selection and hiring of personnel.
  4. Provide job descriptions for all staff positions, setting forth lines of authority, duties and responsibilities, education and experience requirements, and in conjunction with and with the approval of the Board, levels of compensation and other appropriate terms of employment.
  5. Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to educate front-desk volunteers to insure a welcoming atmosphere and capability at the desk or phone.
  6. In conjunction with the Board, oversee any and all disciplinary actions.
  7. Ensure proper hiring and termination procedures, including the provision of appropriate written notices.
  8. Plan, schedule, and arrange for daily, monthly and future programs, classes and events. Invite suggestions for new programs from members.
  9. Oversee class instructors and volunteers, including community service volunteers. Meet with instructors regarding payments, class schedules, and expectations. Manage all contracts.
  10. Schedule, and keep a visible calendar of facility events, appointments, etc.
  11. Manage the Silverton Senior Center facility in conjunction with the Building Manager of the City of Silverton regarding building maintenance.
  12. Manage facility rentals and update rental agreements.
  13. Organize the Silverton Senior Center’s office and maintain all files, records, manuals and policies of the Board of Directors and agendas and minutes of Board meetings. Maintain comprehensive files of documents, letters and other pertinent records, including insurance policies, payroll records, agreements with other organizations, contracts, and other matters as they arise. The files should be readily obtainable and understood by the Board President, Treasurer and other relevant persons. All business records of the organization shall be backed-up at least weekly, with off-site storage.
  14. Order office supplies and cleaning supplies. Keep building keys and security information safe from theft.
  15. Provide a written monthly report to the Board and present this at each Board meeting.
  16. Prepare an Annual Report of activities for the City of Silverton listing the organization’s goals and accomplishments. Attend quarterly meetings with the City of Silverton City Manager.
  17. Adhere to the Board-approved budget in making financials decisions for the Senior Center.
  18. Develop and maintain sound fiscal practices. Work with staff, Finance Committee, and the Board to prepare budgets.
  19. Maintain proper fiscal record-keeping and reporting.
  20. Attend such workshops, seminars and/or continuing education classes to stay knowledgeable in the senior/community center field as may be pre-approved by the Board.
  21. Ensure compliance with all applicable laws.
  22. Maintain a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with working samples for forms and how to do check list.
  23. Maintain a functional working postal account or agreement.
  24. Maintain a secure record of all passwords used by the SSC.

Specific activities for daily administrative operations shall include:

  1. Promote the sustainability of the Silverton Senior Center by assisting in the development, planning and management of fundraising activities.
  2. Seek out contacts willing to provide in-kind donations.
  3. Promote increasing numbers of memberships.
  4. Promote increasing numbers of donors.
  5. Seek out contacts willing to provide sponsorships.

Specific activities for daily administrative operations shall include:

  1. Act as spokesperson for and represent the interests of the organization in conjunction with the President of the organization.
  2. Maintain effective internal and external public relations.
  3. Form partnerships in the community for the benefit of the Senior Center.
  4. Publicize in local media resources such as newspapers, TV/radio, flyers, on-line, etc. to include activities and fundraisers. Write a monthly or semi-monthly advertisement for the Our Town newspaper.
  5. Send correspondence recognizing donations, volunteerism or other reasons.
  6. Keep the Silverton Senior Center website and Facebook information current, including with a calendar of all events to occur at the Silverton Senior Center within the next thirty days.
  7. Regularly communicate with the Silverton Senior Center membership, by electronic means or otherwise as appropriate, regarding events to occur at the Silverton Senior Center.
  8. Maintain current and updated contact information for all Silverton Senior Center members, including current include membership status.

Specific activities for daily administrative operations shall include:

  1. Act in an advisory capacity to the committee chairs, and attend committee meetings, as requested by committees.
  2. Assist the Board with information and insights.
  3. Work with a grant writer, supplying information as needed.
  4. Assist the Board President to develop agenda items for the Board meetings.
  5. In conjunction with the Finance Committee and bookkeeper, assist in development of the annual budget.
  6. Facilitate the orientation of new Board members.
  7. Attend Board Meetings.

Additional duties may be determined by the Board.

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